Surrogate women are truly amazing people. They selflessly choose to interrupt their lives to carry a baby for families who otherwise could not expand. Surrogates are celebrated by so many families and there are many families who still want to grow with the help of a surrogate.
While surrogates are the star of intended parents' eyes, surrogates often have questions about what their relationship will be like with the intended parents. They wonder if the relationship will continue after the pregnancy, how much the intended parents want to participate in the pregnancy, and how they can bond with the intended family more.
One of the goals of Genesis Rising is to help each surrogate match with intended parents that have similar desires within the relationship. We also want to help everyone feel comfortable with each other and supported by each other. While the specialists at Genesis Rising are on your side and available to help you during the surrogacy process, here are some tips that can help you now.
Make A Plan Before Hand - Knowing what you want from the start will help our agency match you with the right intended parents. Personalities, values, and desires are all carefully considered when matching a surrogate with intended parents. Knowing what kind of relationship you want before, during, and after the pregnancy can help match you better with the right family. Take some time to think about it. Ask a lot of questions. Genesis Rising is here to answer questions and help you understand what is possible.
Be Open When Talking To The Intended Parents - Boundaries are always something that should be expressed in any situation. But we also want you to feel comfortable with the intended family you are matched with. We encourage you to express your wishes and how you envision the pregnancy and your relationship with them. By starting out on the same page, there is less opportunity for misunderstandings.
Try To Be Open-Minded - A my-way-or-the-highway attitude has never worked in any situation - not for both parties involved. Open dialogue is one hundred percent necessary for you and the intended family to have a great experience. Remember to keep your heart open and consider different options and ideas that you may not have considered before.
Take The Other Party's Feelings Into Consideration - Remember that getting pregnant and/or carrying a child is not something that the intended mother could do. She may feel jealous when you have morning sickness, she would do anything to worry about her weight because of the growing baby inside her, she knows that she is missing the experience of feeling her baby kick. The family is going to have a different experience than you and it is helpful to remember that there are strong emotions happening on their side that are not always pure joy. Women who choose to become surrogates are very compassionate and considerate people. Carry that compassion and understanding with you into your relationship and it will flourish.
Remember that not every surrogate/intended-family relationship grows into something like best-friends-forever. These relationships are very unique just like every relationship. Remember to speak openly to Genesis Rising's surrogacy specialists in Nevada and let them know what you hope to get out of your relationship with your intended parents and just keep your heart open after that.